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10 ways to look busy at work without actually working

10 ways to look busy at work without actually working

let's face it: some days, you just don’t have the energy to be productive. but that doesn’t mean you want everyone to know you're slacking off, right? whether you’re avoiding that dreaded spreadsheet or just need a break from pretending to care, here are 10 foolproof ways to look busy at work without actually working. because sometimes, survival is about knowing how to blend in.

1. the strategic email refresh there’s no better way to look important than constantly refreshing your inbox. furrow your brow, nod thoughtfully, and maybe even throw in a sigh of exasperation. it’ll make you look like you're juggling a thousand tasks, when in reality, you’re just reading the same email from hr about the upcoming potluck. again.

2. the ‘deep in thought’ head scratch occasionally scratching your head or rubbing your chin gives off serious ‘i’m contemplating the meaning of life’ vibes. no one needs to know you’re actually trying to remember if you left your straightener on this morning.

3. the ‘urgent’ trip to make coffee nobody questions a coffee break, especially if you do it with purpose. grab your mug and head to the coffee maker with the urgency of someone saving the world. linger there, chat about the latest office gossip, and return to your desk with a look that says, “i’ve got this.” bonus points if you spill a little coffee on yourself—it just shows how hard you’re working.

4. the document shuffle a classic move: gather a stack of papers (they can be blank, who cares?), and shuffle them around with a serious expression. occasionally glance at your screen, then back at the papers. it’s like you’re decoding the da vinci code, except not really.

5. the ‘intense’ typing session this one requires some acting skills. start typing furiously, like you’re crafting the most important document of your career. it doesn’t matter what you’re typing—it could be your grocery list or an email to yourself. the key is to look laser-focused.

6. the screen toggle perfect for those stuck in front of a computer all day. keep a work-related document or spreadsheet open, but quickly toggle to something more fun (like online shopping or memes) when no one’s looking. when someone walks by, toggle back to the ‘serious’ screen and squint a little, just for effect.

7. the impromptu meeting grab a colleague and head to the nearest conference room. it doesn’t matter what you talk about—what’s important is that you look like you’re discussing a top-secret project. toss in some industry jargon for good measure, and leave the room looking stressed yet determined.

8. the multitasking mime hold your phone in one hand and pretend to take notes with the other. occasionally nod and mumble, “mm-hmm, got it,” like you’re on an important call. just make sure your phone is on silent, or your cover might be blown by an unexpected cat video notification.

9. the printer prowl everyone knows the printer is a hub of productivity. spend some time hovering around it, even if you’re not printing anything. fiddle with the buttons, load some paper, and give anyone who walks by a weary smile that says, “you wouldn’t believe the day I’m having.”

10. the ‘i’m in a meeting’ move block off some time on your calendar as a ‘meeting’ and then disappear. find a quiet corner, maybe even the break room, and enjoy some downtime. if anyone asks where you’ve been, just say, “oh, sorry, i was in a meeting.” trust me, they won’t ask for details.

there’s nothing like an ‘urgent’ trip to the coffee brewer to make it look like you’re on top of everything,” says elle capp, co-owner of kettle coffee. “just remember to actually refill your mug—no one’s going to believe you’re busy if you come back empty-handed!

there you have it—10 ways to master the art of looking busy without breaking a sweat. because let’s be honest, sometimes pretending to work is more exhausting than the real thing!

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